+961 3 776 331

Banking & Finance Law

Banking law:

Practicing law in the area of “banking law” involves a variety of disciplines. A variety of commercial enterprises, not traditionally considered banks, are today often engaging in practices which have, in the past, been considered banking functions. The banking sector is growing in size and sophistication all around the planet.

The Lebanese banking sector has recently faced significant issues and challenges due to the recent economic crisis leading to billions of dollars held in the country’s banks with depositors unable to withdraw their savings  . We, at Azzi Law Firm, are aiming to assist depositors, whether individuals or companies, in claiming their deposits from the banks and solve any issues they might face as a result of the current banking crisis.

At ALF we have an extensive experience in the banking department, so our expertise enables us to advice our clients in a wide variety of issues in a efficient and cost effective way.

Financial regulations:

Financial regulations are a form of regulations or supervision, which subjects financial institutions to certain restrictions, requirements, and guidelines, aiming to maintain the integrity of the financial system.

In ALF we are proud to advice in the financial field into:

Minimizing financial loss of depositors’ banks or policy holders of insurance companies.

Taxation law:

Taxation law is the codified system of law that describes government on economic transaction, commonly called taxes. In recent years, Lebanon has implemented the value added tax (V.A.T) in both the government, and Business sectors. While the spotlight has been on these massive changes, other taxes continued to require attention, such as income tax. At ALF we provide a high level combination of legal advice coupled with an experience in representing clients in both litigation and investigative proceedings.

Also, we provide legal consultation providing customs with legal advice as the most effective way to reduce home & financial taxes.